WordCampYYC 2018 – From Local To Live: Launching Your Site The Simple Way
May 25, 2018 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
For the third year in a row I’ll be presenting a session at WordCampYYC. WordCampYYC is an informal, community-organized event by the local WordPress community. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other. We have speakers talking about design, development, content, SEO, marketing, and anything relating to running a WordPress site. You can learn more about WordCampYYC or buy a ticket on their website.
One of the biggest challenges for new WordPress developers is taking that beautiful site that they built on their own computer or local server, and going live without having to rebuild the entire site from scratch.
This session will explore the easiest ways to launch you site, and eliminate the headache. I’ll cover a few easy (plugin based) ways of doing this, explain the pitfalls of each, and then show my prefered (though more technical) workflow.
For the third year in a row I’ll be presenting a session at WordCampYYC. WordCampYYC is an informal, community-organized event by the local WordPress community. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other. We have speakers talking about design, development, content, SEO, marketing, and anything relating to running a WordPress site. You can learn more about WordCampYYC or buy a ticket on their website.
One of the biggest challenges for new WordPress developers is taking that beautiful site that they built on their own computer or local server, and going live without having to rebuild the entire site from scratch.
This session will explore the easiest ways to launch you site, and eliminate the headache. I’ll cover a few easy (plugin based) ways of doing this, explain the pitfalls of each, and then show my prefered (though more technical) workflow.
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